Head-to-Head: Fluent UI React vs react-datepicker Analysis


v8.119.3(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

@fluentui/react is a set of React components that implement Microsoft's Fluent Design System. It provides a collection of customizable and accessible UI components for building web applications with a modern and consistent look and feel. The components are designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.


Tags: reactui-componentsfluent-designresponsiveaccessibility


v7.3.0(19 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

React-datepicker is a flexible and customizable date picker component for React applications. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting dates and supports various features like date range selection, inline calendar display, and localization support. React-datepicker simplifies the process of handling date inputs in forms and allows developers to easily integrate date picking functionality into their projects.


Tags: reactdatepickercomponentdate-selectionuser-interface



Both @fluentui/react and react-datepicker are popular npm packages in the React ecosystem. However, @fluentui/react, which is the official React implementation of Microsoft's Fluent UI, has gained significant popularity and has a larger community following compared to react-datepicker.


@fluentui/react provides a comprehensive set of UI components and utilities that follow the Fluent UI design system. It offers a wide range of customizable components, including buttons, inputs, modals, and more. On the other hand, react-datepicker is a specialized package that focuses solely on providing a date picker component with various configuration options.

Customization and Theming

@fluentui/react offers extensive customization and theming capabilities. It provides a theming system that allows you to easily customize the appearance of components to match your application's design. react-datepicker also provides some customization options, but it may require more manual styling and customization to achieve a specific look and feel.

Integration and Compatibility

@fluentui/react is designed to seamlessly integrate with React applications and follows React's best practices. It provides excellent TypeScript support and has good compatibility with other popular libraries and frameworks. react-datepicker is also compatible with React, but it may require additional configuration or dependencies to work smoothly with certain setups.

Documentation and Community Support

@fluentui/react has comprehensive documentation, including API references, guides, and examples, which makes it easier for developers to get started and find solutions to common problems. It also benefits from a large and active community, which means you can find support and resources easily. react-datepicker also has documentation, but it may not be as extensive or well-maintained as @fluentui/react.

Maintenance and Updates

@fluentui/react is actively maintained by Microsoft and the Fluent UI community, ensuring regular updates, bug fixes, and new features. react-datepicker is also maintained, but the frequency of updates and the level of community involvement may vary.