Head-to-Head: Fluent UI React vs Headless UI React Analysis


v8.119.3(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

@fluentui/react is a set of React components that implement Microsoft's Fluent Design System. It provides a collection of customizable and accessible UI components for building web applications with a modern and consistent look and feel. The components are designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.


Tags: reactui-componentsfluent-designresponsiveaccessibility


v2.1.2(21 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

@headlessui/react is a library that provides fully accessible, customizable, and unstyled components for building user interfaces in React applications. It offers a set of headless UI components like buttons, menus, modals, and more, allowing developers to create accessible and interactive UI elements without the need for styling. The components are designed to be highly flexible and can be easily customized to fit the design requirements of any project.


Tags: reactui-componentsaccessibilityheadlesscustomizable



Both @fluentui/react and @headlessui/react are popular npm packages within the React ecosystem. However, @fluentui/react has a larger user base and is widely used in Microsoft's Fluent UI design system, making it more popular overall.


@fluentui/react provides a comprehensive set of UI components and utilities that align with the Fluent UI design system. It offers a wide range of customizable components and supports various themes and styling options. On the other hand, @headlessui/react focuses on providing accessible and customizable headless UI components, giving developers more control over the styling and behavior of the components.

Developer Experience

Both packages offer good developer experiences, but they have different approaches. @fluentui/react provides a more opinionated and feature-rich experience with pre-built components and extensive documentation. It also has a larger community and more resources available. @headlessui/react, on the other hand, offers a more lightweight and flexible experience, allowing developers to have more control over the components' implementation and styling.


@fluentui/react is designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft products and services, making it a great choice for projects within the Microsoft ecosystem. It also has integrations with popular frameworks like React and Angular. @headlessui/react, on the other hand, is framework-agnostic and can be easily integrated into any React project without any dependencies on specific design systems or frameworks.


Both packages prioritize accessibility. @fluentui/react follows the accessibility guidelines set by Microsoft and provides accessible components out of the box. @headlessui/react also emphasizes accessibility and provides a solid foundation for building accessible UI components, but it requires developers to handle the accessibility aspects themselves.


@fluentui/react is actively maintained by Microsoft and has a dedicated team behind it, ensuring regular updates, bug fixes, and new features. @headlessui/react is also actively maintained by the community, but it may have a smaller team and slower release cycles compared to @fluentui/react.