Head-to-Head: Emotion vs Pure.css Analysis


v11.13.0(7 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

@emotion/css is a popular CSS-in-JS library that allows developers to style their components using JavaScript. It provides a powerful and flexible way to manage styles by enabling the use of template literals for writing CSS directly within JavaScript code. @emotion/css offers features like nested selectors, global styles, and theming support, making it easy to create dynamic and responsive styles for web applications.


Tags: css-in-jsstylingjavascriptreactive-stylestheming


v3.0.0(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

PureCSS is a set of small, responsive CSS modules that can be used to quickly build clean and minimalistic web interfaces. It provides a lightweight and modular approach to styling web pages, focusing on simplicity and performance. PureCSS offers a grid system, buttons, forms, tables, and other essential components for creating modern and responsive layouts.


Tags: cssresponsiveminimalisticmodulargrid-system



@emotion/css and purecss are both popular npm packages, but they have different use cases and target different audiences. @emotion/css is often used in modern JavaScript and CSS-in-JS setups, while purecss is a lightweight CSS framework that is popular for minimalistic websites and simple UI layouts.


In terms of size, @emotion/css is a CSS-in-JS library which allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript code. The size of the output will depend on how much CSS you use. On the other hand, purecss is a small CSS framework that focuses on providing a basic set of CSS styles and components. It is lightweight and does not have a large footprint.


Functionality-wise, @emotion/css offers a rich set of features for managing CSS-in-JS in a declarative manner. It includes support for dynamic styles, media queries, keyframes, and CSS variables. Purecss, on the other hand, provides a set of predefined CSS styles and components, such as grids, forms, buttons, and tables. It aims to provide a lightweight and minimalistic approach to styling.


@emotion/css is typically used in modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. It integrates well with these frameworks and provides a seamless way to manage CSS alongside JavaScript. Purecss can be used with any web technology stack and can be easily integrated into existing projects by including the CSS file.

Developer Experience

Both packages have good developer experience but in different ways. @emotion/css provides a powerful CSS-in-JS solution with modern JavaScript syntax, enabling developers to write and manage styles directly in their components. It offers great flexibility and reusability. Purecss, on the other hand, offers a simple and intuitive API for quickly styling elements without the need for complex CSS configurations or JavaScript integration.

Community and Support

@emotion/css has a strong and active community, with regular updates, bug fixes, and new features. It is backed by the team behind Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library. Purecss also has an active community, but since it focuses on providing a minimalistic set of styles, updates and new features may be less frequent. However, it is a well-established package with good documentation and community resources.