Head-to-Head: Elder.js vs UmiJS Analysis


v1.8.0-beta.14(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 19Monthly npm downloads

@elderjs/elderjs is a static site generator built on top of Svelte, Snowpack, and Rollup, designed for building fast and SEO-friendly websites. It offers a simple and flexible configuration, allowing developers to create dynamic content and layouts while generating static HTML files. Elder.js prioritizes performance and developer experience, providing features like server-side rendering, incremental builds, and automatic sitemap generation.


Tags: static-site-generatorSvelteSEO-friendlyperformanceincremental-builds


v4.3.10(2 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 12Monthly npm downloads

Umi is a comprehensive front-end development framework that streamlines the creation of React applications. It offers a plugin-based architecture, allowing developers to extend and customize their projects easily. Umi provides features like routing, state management, and build optimization out of the box, reducing the need for manual configuration. Its convention over configuration approach simplifies project setup and maintenance.


Tags: javascriptframeworkreactfront-endplugin-based



Umi is a highly popular framework in the React ecosystem, known for its scalability and extensive community support. It has a large user base and is widely adopted in production projects. On the other hand, @elderjs/elderjs is a relatively newer framework that is gaining attention for its simplicity and focus on static site generation. While it may not have the same level of popularity as Umi, it has a growing community and is well-regarded for its developer-friendly approach.


Umi is designed to handle large-scale applications with ease. It provides a plugin-based architecture, allowing developers to extend and customize the framework according to their project requirements. @elderjs/elderjs, on the other hand, is more focused on smaller-scale projects and static site generation. It provides a simpler and more lightweight approach, which may be more suitable for smaller applications or personal websites.

Developer Experience

Umi offers a comprehensive development experience with features like automatic routing, built-in internationalization support, and a plugin system that enables easy integration with various tools and libraries. It has extensive documentation and a vibrant community, making it easier for developers to find resources and support. @elderjs/elderjs also provides a good developer experience with its simplicity and ease of use. It has a clear and intuitive configuration system and focuses on providing a smooth development workflow for static site generation.


Umi is known for its performance optimizations and efficient build processes. It leverages webpack and other tools to ensure fast and optimized builds. @elderjs/elderjs, being focused on static site generation, also aims for good performance by generating static HTML files that can be served quickly. However, it may not have the same level of performance optimizations as Umi, especially for dynamic applications.

Community and Ecosystem

Umi has a large and active community, which means there are plenty of plugins, presets, and community-contributed resources available. It integrates well with the wider React ecosystem and has good compatibility with popular libraries and tools. @elderjs/elderjs has a smaller but growing community. While it may not have the same level of ecosystem and plugin support as Umi, it offers a focused and opinionated approach that can be beneficial for developers looking for a specific set of features.