Head-to-Head: Elder.js vs Astro Analysis


v1.8.0-beta.14(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 19Monthly npm downloads

@elderjs/elderjs is a static site generator built on top of Svelte, Snowpack, and Rollup, designed for building fast and SEO-friendly websites. It offers a simple and flexible configuration, allowing developers to create dynamic content and layouts while generating static HTML files. Elder.js prioritizes performance and developer experience, providing features like server-side rendering, incremental builds, and automatic sitemap generation.


Tags: static-site-generatorSvelteSEO-friendlyperformanceincremental-builds


v4.12.2(7 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 62Monthly npm downloads

Astro is a modern static site generator that prioritizes performance and developer experience. It allows developers to build websites using familiar web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, while providing features like automatic code splitting, optimized loading, and server-side rendering. Astro's component-oriented approach enables reusability and composability, making it easy to create complex web applications with minimal configuration.


Tags: static-site-generatorweb-developmentperformanceserver-side-renderingcomponent-oriented



Both packages have gained popularity in the JavaScript community, but in different domains. @elderjs/elderjs is a popular framework for building server-rendered websites, particularly in the static site generation space. Astro, on the other hand, is a rising star in the world of static site generation and front-end development, known for its flexibility and performance.


The architecture of the two packages differs significantly. @elderjs/elderjs is a full-featured framework specifically designed for building server-rendered websites using technologies like Svelte, Rollup, and Elder.js. It focuses on providing a robust SSR-based website development experience. Astro, on the other hand, is a front-end build tool that allows you to create static websites or use server-side rendering with various front-end frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte.

Developer Experience

Both packages prioritize developer experience, but in different ways. @elderjs/elderjs embraces convention over configuration, offering an opinionated approach to website development and providing a well-documented and easy-to-understand API. Astro, on the other hand, emphasizes flexibility and gives developers the freedom to choose their preferred front-end framework while providing a smooth development experience with fast server-side rendering and hot module reloading.

Community and Ecosystem

Both packages have active and growing communities. @elderjs/elderjs benefits from having a well-established community and an ecosystem of plugins and starters that can accelerate development. Astro, although relatively new, is backed by a strong community and has seen rapid growth since its release. It also has extensibility through its plugin system and a growing ecosystem of integrations with popular front-end tools and frameworks.


Both packages focus on performance, but in different ways. @elderjs/elderjs optimizes for server-side rendering and generating static HTML, resulting in fast initial page loads and SEO-friendly websites. Astro takes a different approach by using a build-time rendering strategy, generating highly optimized static pages that can be loaded instantly in the browser and dynamically hydrating them to provide an interactive user experience.

Learning Curve

The learning curve for both packages can vary. @elderjs/elderjs has a more straightforward learning curve, especially for developers familiar with Svelte and Rollup. It provides comprehensive documentation and follows a convention-based approach, making it easier to get started. Astro, on the other hand, may have a slightly steeper learning curve due to its flexibility and the potential need to learn additional front-end frameworks if not already familiar with them.