Head-to-Head: Chakra UI vs Reactstrap Analysis


v2.8.2(9 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 53Monthly npm downloads

@chakra-ui/react is a popular React component library that provides a set of customizable and accessible UI components for building modern web applications. It follows a design system approach, offering a wide range of components like buttons, forms, modals, and more, with built-in theming and styling capabilities. The library is known for its flexibility, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance and behavior of components to match their design requirements.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryUIthemingaccessibility


v9.2.2(6 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 6Monthly npm downloads

Reactstrap is a popular library that provides Bootstrap components as React components, allowing developers to easily create responsive and mobile-friendly user interfaces in React applications. It simplifies the process of building UIs by offering a wide range of pre-built components like modals, navbars, forms, and more, all styled with Bootstrap CSS.


Tags: reactbootstrapcomponentsresponsiveUI



@chakra-ui/react has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its modern design, extensive customizability, and developer-friendly API. Reactstrap, on the other hand, has been around for longer and has a decent level of popularity, especially among developers familiar with Bootstrap.

Design System

@chakra-ui/react is part of the Chakra UI design system, which provides a comprehensive set of customizable components and styles. It follows a modern and elegant design language that can be easily tailored to fit different project needs. Reactstrap, on the other hand, is a set of React components that implement the Bootstrap framework. It provides a more traditional and familiar design language based on Bootstrap's styling and components.


@chakra-ui/react offers extensive customization options, allowing developers to easily modify the styles, theme, and behavior of components. It provides a robust theming system and supports CSS-in-JS with Emotion. Reactstrap, although customizable to some extent, is more limited in terms of customization options compared to Chakra UI. It primarily relies on Bootstrap's predefined styles and classes.

Developer Experience

@chakra-ui/react has a clean and intuitive API, making it easy to use and learn. It provides a powerful and flexible component system that promotes consistency and reusability. Reactstrap also offers a simple and straightforward API, especially for developers already familiar with Bootstrap. However, Chakra UI's API is generally considered to be more modern and user-friendly.


@chakra-ui/react is built specifically for React and integrates seamlessly with React projects. It has excellent support for TypeScript, and its components are designed to work well with React hooks and functional components. Reactstrap, on the other hand, is also built for React, but it relies on the Bootstrap CSS framework. This can sometimes lead to conflicts or CSS specificity issues, especially in complex or heavily customized projects.

Component Ecosystem

@chakra-ui/react provides a comprehensive set of components that cover a wide range of use cases, including form elements, navigation, layout, and more. It also offers additional features like responsive design and accessibility enhancements. Reactstrap offers a decent collection of components as well, but it may not have the same breadth and depth as Chakra UI.

Community and Documentation

@chakra-ui/react has a thriving community and active maintainers. It has a good documentation website with clear examples, guides, and API references. Reactstrap also has an active community, but its documentation may not be as extensive or up-to-date as Chakra UI's documentation.