Head-to-Head: Chakra UI vs React Desktop Analysis


v2.8.2(9 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 53Monthly npm downloads

@chakra-ui/react is a popular React component library that provides a set of customizable and accessible UI components for building modern web applications. It follows a design system approach, offering a wide range of components like buttons, forms, modals, and more, with built-in theming and styling capabilities. The library is known for its flexibility, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance and behavior of components to match their design requirements.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryUIthemingaccessibility


v0.3.9(over 5 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Desktop is a library that enables developers to create cross-platform desktop applications using React. It provides components and APIs for building native-like desktop interfaces with React, allowing developers to leverage their existing React skills for desktop app development. React-Desktop offers features like window management, system tray integration, and native menus, making it suitable for building desktop applications that look and feel like native apps.


Tags: reactdesktopcross-platformnativecomponents



@chakra-ui/react is a widely popular package within the React community and has gained significant popularity in recent years. On the other hand, react-desktop is a less popular package and has a smaller user base.

Component Library

@chakra-ui/react is a comprehensive component library that provides a set of customizable UI components with a modern design and extensive theming capabilities. It offers a wide range of components out of the box, making it efficient for building responsive and visually appealing applications. In contrast, react-desktop focuses specifically on building desktop applications and provides a set of UI components tailored for native desktop experiences.


@chakra-ui/react integrates seamlessly with React applications and follows best practices for React development. It also provides excellent documentation and a vibrant community for support. react-desktop, however, may require more configuration and setup for integration with React applications, as it is specifically designed for desktop applications. It may have a steeper learning curve and less comprehensive documentation compared to @chakra-ui/react.


@chakra-ui/react offers extensive customization options with its built-in theming support, allowing developers to easily customize the styling of components to fit their design requirements. react-desktop also offers customization options but is more focused on providing a consistent desktop experience, limiting the styling options available.

Platform Support

@chakra-ui/react is designed to work across multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop. It uses responsive design principles to ensure components adapt well to different screen sizes. On the other hand, react-desktop is specifically designed for building desktop applications and provides native-like desktop experiences on supported platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.


@chakra-ui/react is under active development and has a dedicated team of maintainers, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes. It also benefits from a larger community and has an active ecosystem of related packages and extensions. react-desktop, on the other hand, may have a slower update frequency and may have limited community support due to its smaller user base.