Head-to-Head: Chakra UI vs react-datetime Analysis


v2.8.2(9 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 53Monthly npm downloads

@chakra-ui/react is a popular React component library that provides a set of customizable and accessible UI components for building modern web applications. It follows a design system approach, offering a wide range of components like buttons, forms, modals, and more, with built-in theming and styling capabilities. The library is known for its flexibility, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance and behavior of components to match their design requirements.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryUIthemingaccessibility


v3.2.0(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Datetime is a versatile and user-friendly date and time picker component for React applications. It provides a customizable and interactive interface for selecting dates and times, with support for various date formats, timezones, and localization. React-Datetime offers features like date range selection, disabled dates, and time constraints, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.


Tags: reactdate-pickertime-pickercomponentuser-interface



@chakra-ui/react is a popular UI component library for React, known for its modern design system and extensive customization options. react-datetime, on the other hand, is a less popular package specifically focused on providing a date and time picker component.


@chakra-ui/react offers a wide range of UI components, including buttons, forms, modals, and more, making it suitable for building complex user interfaces. react-datetime, as the name suggests, specializes in providing a date and time picker component with various customization options.


@chakra-ui/react provides a highly customizable and themeable component system. It offers a wide range of styling options, including color schemes, typography, and spacing. react-datetime also allows customization, but its focus is primarily on providing a flexible date and time picker component.

Developer Experience

@chakra-ui/react has a well-documented API and provides a smooth developer experience. It follows modern React patterns and integrates well with popular state management libraries like Redux and MobX. react-datetime also has decent documentation, but its scope is more limited to the date and time picker functionality.

Community Support

@chakra-ui/react has a large and active community, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and community-driven components available. react-datetime has a smaller community, which may result in fewer community-driven resources and updates.


@chakra-ui/react has a few dependencies, including React and Emotion, but it provides a comprehensive set of UI components out of the box. react-datetime also has React as a dependency, but it has fewer dependencies overall due to its narrower focus on the date and time picker functionality.