Head-to-Head: Chakra UI vs react-datepicker Analysis


v2.8.2(9 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 53Monthly npm downloads

@chakra-ui/react is a popular React component library that provides a set of customizable and accessible UI components for building modern web applications. It follows a design system approach, offering a wide range of components like buttons, forms, modals, and more, with built-in theming and styling capabilities. The library is known for its flexibility, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance and behavior of components to match their design requirements.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryUIthemingaccessibility


v7.3.0(19 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

React-datepicker is a flexible and customizable date picker component for React applications. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting dates and supports various features like date range selection, inline calendar display, and localization support. React-datepicker simplifies the process of handling date inputs in forms and allows developers to easily integrate date picking functionality into their projects.


Tags: reactdatepickercomponentdate-selectionuser-interface



Both @chakra-ui/react and react-datepicker are popular npm packages within the React ecosystem. However, @chakra-ui/react has gained significant popularity due to its comprehensive UI component library and its focus on accessibility and design.

UI Component Library

@chakra-ui/react is a complete UI component library that provides a wide range of customizable and accessible components out of the box. It follows a design system approach and offers a consistent and cohesive look and feel. On the other hand, react-datepicker is a specific date picker component that focuses solely on date selection functionality.

Customization and Theming

@chakra-ui/react offers extensive customization options and theming capabilities. It provides a theme object that allows developers to easily customize the appearance of components to match their application's design. react-datepicker, while customizable to some extent, may require more manual styling and customization to achieve a desired look and feel.

Developer Experience

@chakra-ui/react provides a great developer experience with a well-documented API, clear examples, and a supportive community. It follows modern React patterns and embraces hooks. react-datepicker also has good documentation, but its API may require a bit more configuration and understanding of its props to fully utilize its features.


@chakra-ui/react has a few dependencies, including React and Emotion, which are widely used in the React ecosystem. react-datepicker also has React as a dependency, but it has fewer dependencies overall. This can be a consideration if you are concerned about the size and potential conflicts with other packages in your project.

Community Support

@chakra-ui/react has a large and active community that provides support, regular updates, and contributions to the project. react-datepicker also has a decent community, but it may not be as extensive as @chakra-ui/react. Having a strong community can be beneficial in terms of finding solutions to issues, getting help, and staying up to date with the latest developments.