Head-to-Head: Qwik vs Mithril.js Analysis


v1.7.1(15 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

An Open-Source sub-framework designed with a focus on server-side-rendering, lazy-loading, and styling/animation.


v2.2.2(about 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/mithrilNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

Mithril is a modern client-side JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. It is known for its small size (only 8kb gzipped) and high performance, making it a great choice for lightweight applications where speed and efficiency are crucial. Mithril follows a minimalist design philosophy, providing a simple and elegant API for creating components, managing state, and handling routing.


Tags: javascriptframeworksingle-page-applicationlightweighthigh-performance



Mithril has been around for longer and has a dedicated user base. It is widely adopted and has a strong community support. On the other hand, @builder.io/qwik is a newer library and may not have the same level of popularity as Mithril.


Mithril is a lightweight library with a small bundle size. It focuses on providing minimal overhead and high performance. In contrast, @builder.io/qwik is designed for large-scale applications and may have a larger bundle size due to its architecture and additional features.


Mithril is a full-featured framework that provides built-in routing, virtual DOM, and state management capabilities. It offers a concise API and promotes simplicity. @builder.io/qwik, on the other hand, is a framework-agnostic toolkit for building web and mobile apps. It emphasizes component-oriented architecture, runtime composition, and declarative resource management.

Developer Experience

Mithril has a simple and intuitive API which makes it easy to learn and use. It provides good documentation and has a smooth learning curve. @builder.io/qwik focuses on developer productivity and introduces concepts like dependency injection and component isolation. It provides a rich toolset for development and testing, but may have a steeper learning curve.


Mithril is suitable for small to medium-sized applications and can be easily scaled. It has a small footprint and performs well even in complex UI scenarios. @builder.io/qwik is designed with scalability in mind and provides architectural patterns and tools to build large-scale applications. It offers features like lazy loading and tree shaking for optimal performance.