Head-to-Head: Apollo Client vs @urql/preact Analysis


v3.11.1(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

@apollo/client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript applications, particularly those using GraphQL. It provides a powerful and flexible way to manage application state and interact with GraphQL APIs. With features like caching, local state management, and error handling, @apollo/client simplifies the process of fetching and managing data from a GraphQL server.


Tags: javascriptstate-managementgraphqlcachingdata-fetching


v4.1.0(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

@urql/preact is a lightweight and efficient GraphQL client library designed specifically for Preact applications. It offers a simple and intuitive API for fetching and managing GraphQL data in your Preact components. With its focus on performance and minimal bundle size, @urql/preact is a great choice for projects where optimization is crucial.


Tags: graphqlclientpreactperformanceoptimization



Both @apollo/client and @urql/preact are popular choices for integrating GraphQL with client-side applications. @apollo/client is maintained by Apollo, a well-known company in the GraphQL ecosystem, and has a larger community and adoption. @urql/preact, on the other hand, is a lightweight alternative to Apollo and has gained popularity for its simplicity and performance.

Integration with React

@apollo/client is specifically designed for React and provides seamless integration with React applications. It offers a more feature-rich and opinionated experience with advanced caching, local state management, and built-in components like ApolloProvider and useQuery. @urql/preact, on the other hand, is a lightweight GraphQL client that supports multiple frameworks including Preact. While it doesn't provide as many built-in features as Apollo, it can be easily integrated into React or Preact applications with minimal setup.

API and Features

@apollo/client provides a comprehensive API with features such as caching, normalized cache updates, server-side rendering (SSR) support, optimistic UI, and subscription support. It also has a robust ecosystem of extensions and tools. @urql/preact, being more lightweight, focuses on essential GraphQL operations and doesn't provide as many advanced features out-of-the-box. However, it offers a simpler API surface and is highly extensible, allowing developers to add custom functionality as needed.

Size and Performance

@urql/preact is known for its small bundle size and performs well in terms of memory usage and speed. It is optimized for performance and aims to minimize the overhead associated with GraphQL clients. @apollo/client, while larger in size due to its extensive feature set, has improved its performance in recent versions and provides caching mechanisms that can enhance application performance.

Ecosystem and Community

As mentioned earlier, @apollo/client has a larger community and an established ecosystem of plugins, tools, and documentation. This makes it easier to find resources and get support when using Apollo. @urql/preact has a smaller but growing community, and while its ecosystem might not be as extensive as Apollo's, it does have active maintainers and documentation to support developers.