Head-to-Head: Angular vs Svelte Analysis


v18.1.2(2 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@angular/core is a core package of the Angular framework, providing essential functionalities for building dynamic web applications. It includes features for components, dependency injection, directives, services, and more. Angular is known for its robust architecture, two-way data binding, and extensive tooling support through Angular CLI.


Tags: javascriptframeworkangularwebcomponents


v4.2.18(about 2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

Svelte is a radical approach to building user interfaces. It is a compiler that takes declarative components and converts them into highly efficient imperative code that directly manipulates the DOM. This results in minimal overhead and blazing-fast performance, as Svelte shifts the work from the browser to the build step. Svelte's reactive declarations and reactivity system enable automatic updates to the DOM when data changes, without the need for a virtual DOM.


Tags: javascriptframeworkuser-interfacereactive-programmingcompiler



Angular is a full-fledged framework that follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It provides a lot of built-in features and tools for building complex applications. Svelte, on the other hand, is a compiler that generates highly optimized vanilla JavaScript code at build time. It follows a reactive and component-based approach.


Svelte is known for its exceptional performance due to its compile-time approach, which eliminates the need for a virtual DOM. Angular, being a framework, has a more complex runtime that can impact performance, especially in larger applications. Svelte applications are typically faster and have smaller bundle sizes compared to Angular.

Learning Curve

Angular has a steep learning curve, especially for beginners, due to its complex architecture and concepts like modules, services, and dependency injection. Svelte, on the other hand, has a gentle learning curve and is easier to pick up for developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Community and Ecosystem

Angular has a large and established community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources available. It also has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. Svelte, being a newer technology, has a smaller community but is growing rapidly. It has a smaller ecosystem compared to Angular but is gaining popularity.


Angular is well-suited for large-scale applications with complex requirements. It provides features like lazy loading, dependency injection, and state management out of the box. Svelte, while capable of handling medium to large applications, may require additional setup and libraries for advanced scalability features.

Developer Experience

Angular provides a comprehensive CLI (Command Line Interface) tool that streamlines development tasks like project scaffolding, code generation, and testing. Svelte, while lacking an official CLI, offers a simple and intuitive development experience with its reactive syntax and compiler optimizations.