Head-to-Head: Angular vs Backbone (deprecated) Analysis


v18.1.2(2 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@angular/core is a core package of the Angular framework, providing essential functionalities for building dynamic web applications. It includes features for components, dependency injection, directives, services, and more. Angular is known for its robust architecture, two-way data binding, and extensive tooling support through Angular CLI.


Tags: javascriptframeworkangularwebcomponents


v4.1.3(over 3 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/backbone.marionetteNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that simplifies the development of complex web applications. It provides a set of robust components and tools to help structure your Backbone application, including views, layouts, regions, and more. Marionette promotes best practices and design patterns like modularity, separation of concerns, and event-driven architecture.


Tags: javascriptbackbone.jscomposite applicationweb applicationsdesign patterns



@angular/core is a comprehensive framework for building client-side applications using TypeScript. It follows the component-based architecture and provides features like dependency injection, routing, and state management out of the box. Backbone.Marionette, on the other hand, is a lightweight library that extends Backbone.js and provides abstractions for common design patterns like MV*, making it easier to structure complex applications.

Community Support

@angular/core is backed by Google and has a large and active community. It has extensive documentation, tutorials, and a wide range of third-party libraries and tools. Backbone.Marionette, while having a dedicated community, is not as widely adopted as Angular and may have fewer resources available for support and learning.


@angular/core is well-suited for large-scale applications due to its built-in features like modules, lazy loading, and dependency injection. It provides a more opinionated structure which can help maintain consistency in larger projects. Backbone.Marionette, while providing structure and organization, may require more manual setup and decision-making for scalability in complex applications.


In terms of performance, @angular/core may have a higher initial load time due to its larger size and complex architecture. However, it offers features like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation and tree-shaking to optimize performance. Backbone.Marionette, being a smaller library, may have faster initial load times but may require more manual optimizations for performance in larger applications.

Learning Curve

@angular/core has a steeper learning curve compared to Backbone.Marionette, especially for developers new to TypeScript and modern web development practices. Backbone.Marionette, being an extension of Backbone.js, may be easier to grasp for developers already familiar with Backbone or similar libraries.