Head-to-Head: 11ty vs Docsify Analysis


v2.0.1(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 38Monthly npm downloads

Eleventy, also known as @11ty/eleventy, is a static site generator built with JavaScript that allows developers to create fast and flexible websites. It focuses on simplicity and ease of use, providing a minimal setup and configuration process. Eleventy supports various template languages like Markdown, HTML, and JavaScript, giving developers the flexibility to choose the best approach for their projects. It also offers a rich plugin ecosystem for extending its functionality and integrating with other tools.


Tags: javascriptstatic-site-generatorflexibleplugin-ecosystemmodern


v4.13.1(about 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 7Monthly npm downloads

Docsify is a lightweight and flexible documentation generator that helps you create beautiful and customizable documentation websites using Markdown files. It offers a simple and clean interface with features like auto sidebar generation, theming, full-text search, and plugins support. Docsify is easy to set up and requires minimal configuration, making it ideal for quickly creating documentation for projects of any size.


Tags: documentationgeneratormarkdownwebsiteflexible



Both @11ty/eleventy and docsify are popular npm packages, but they serve different purposes and cater to different audiences. @11ty/eleventy is a static site generator that has gained popularity among developers who prefer a simple and flexible tool for generating static websites. docsify, on the other hand, is a documentation generator specifically designed for creating beautiful and interactive documentation websites.


@11ty/eleventy provides a wide range of features for static site generation, including support for various templating languages, data manipulation, and asset management. It allows developers to create custom workflows and supports advanced features like pagination, collections, and filters. docsify, on the other hand, focuses on providing a seamless and intuitive documentation experience. It offers features like Markdown support, automatic sidebar generation, search functionality, and plugins for extending its capabilities.

Developer Experience

@11ty/eleventy is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It has a minimal configuration setup and provides a straightforward API for generating static sites. It also has good documentation and an active community for support. docsify also offers a smooth developer experience with its simple setup and configuration. It has a live-reloading development server and provides a clean and intuitive UI for managing documentation content.


@11ty/eleventy allows developers to customize their static site generation process extensively. It provides hooks and plugins for extending functionality and supports custom data manipulation and templating. docsify, on the other hand, offers less customization options as it is primarily focused on providing a streamlined documentation experience. However, it does provide a plugin system for adding additional features and customizing the appearance of the documentation site.

Community and Ecosystem

@11ty/eleventy has a growing community and a supportive ecosystem. It has a dedicated website, active GitHub repository, and a collection of plugins and starters created by the community. docsify also has a strong community and a range of plugins available for extending its functionality. It has a well-maintained GitHub repository and a website with comprehensive documentation and examples.