July 2021 update

This is a July report on the progress of Moiva.io.

New metric "Status"

Users asked for an indication to identify libraries that are no longer active or have been deprecated.

I added a new metric and called it "Status".

Four possible values:

  • ARCHIVED, if repository is archived
  • LEGACY, if Library authors marked it so
  • INACTIVE, if there were no commits in the last 6 months
  • ACTIVE, otherwise

There is no API to determine if a particular library is marked legacy. Hence, such information is maintained manually.

UX improvements

I made small UX improvements to help users get the most out of the Table view.

  • metrics "Types", "Tech Radar" and "License" were converted into badges of different colors depending on the value

  • each badge got a tooltip

  • external links acquired a distinct icon

Chore and misc

  • added a bunch of new libraries to the catalog.
  • used json files for manually maintained data.
  • added a bunch of tests for manually maintained data.
  • refactored and cleaned up the code in many places.

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