Head-to-Head: 11ty vs Docusaurus Analysis


v2.0.1(about 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 38Monthly npm downloads

Eleventy, also known as @11ty/eleventy, is a static site generator that allows developers to create simple yet powerful websites using various templating languages like Markdown, HTML, and JavaScript. It provides flexibility in choosing the templating engine and does not impose any specific structure on the project, making it easy to customize and extend. Eleventy is known for its fast build times and minimal configuration requirements, making it a popular choice for building static websites and blogs.


Tags: static-site-generatortemplatingmarkdownhtmljavascript


v3.3.2(11 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 68Monthly npm downloads

@docusaurus/core is a powerful static site generator that simplifies the process of building and maintaining documentation websites. It offers a flexible and customizable framework for creating clean, professional-looking documentation sites with ease. With features like built-in support for Markdown, versioning, and localization, @docusaurus/core streamlines the documentation workflow and enhances the overall user experience.


Tags: static-site-generatordocumentationwebsitemarkdownversioning



@11ty/eleventy is a static site generator that has gained popularity for its simplicity and flexibility, particularly within the JavaScript and Node.js communities. It has a growing user base and active community support. @docusaurus/core, on the other hand, is a popular documentation site generator developed by Facebook, specifically designed for creating documentation websites. It also has a significant user base and is well-regarded within the documentation community.

Use Case

@11ty/eleventy is a versatile static site generator that can be used for various website development purposes. It supports multiple templating languages and allows customization of layouts and data sources. It is suitable for creating blogs, portfolios, documentation sites, and more. @docusaurus/core, as a specialized documentation site generator, provides out-of-the-box features and conventions specifically tailored for documentation sites. It comes with integrated support for versioning, search functionality, sidebar navigation, and other documentation-oriented features.

Configuration and Extensibility

@11ty/eleventy offers a very flexible and configurable setup. It allows users to customize their build process, data pipelines, and other aspects of static site generation. It also supports plugins and templates to extend its functionality. @docusaurus/core follows a simpler configuration approach with sensible defaults optimized for documentation sites. It provides an easy-to-use plugin system to enhance functionality, but compared to @11ty/eleventy, it may have fewer customization options.

Developer Experience

Both @11ty/eleventy and @docusaurus/core strive to provide a good developer experience. @11ty/eleventy focuses on simplicity and its straightforward templating system, making it easy to set up and use. It also has good documentation and a helpful community. @docusaurus/core follows a similar approach, but it has additional tooling and guides specifically tailored for documentation site development. It offers a more opinionated setup, which can help developers quickly get started with creating documentation sites.

Community and Ecosystem

@11ty/eleventy has an active and growing community. It benefits from being part of the broader JavaScript and static site generator ecosystem. There is a wide range of plugins and templates available that can be used to extend its functionality. @docusaurus/core is backed by Facebook and has gained a significant following within the documentation community. It has its own ecosystem of plugins and themes that are specifically designed for creating documentation sites.

Customization and Theming

Both @11ty/eleventy and @docusaurus/core allow customization and theming, but they have different approaches. @11ty/eleventy offers more flexibility and allows users to bring their own design and style. Users can customize layouts, stylesheets, and other aspects of the generated site. @docusaurus/core, on the other hand, has built-in theming support and provides predefined themes that can be easily customized. It offers more structure and consistency in terms of visual styling and layout for documentation sites.